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Our Dating / Relationships Guide

I created this guide to be accessible for people of all ages, races, backgrounds and irrespective of whether you are male or female. I wanted to reach the broadest possible audience so that I can help as many people as I could with some of these very simple but yet effective techniques. As a result I will approach the problem from a variety of viewpoints depending upon Who You Are and what your background is. Regardless of whom you are and I'm speaking of myself as well, we all need to get ourselves together! Regardless of your age of background you need to ask a hard-hitting question of yourself. Are you the type of person that people would like to date? Be honest because it will help you going forward if you're as truthful with yourself as possible.

One of the concepts that I will touch on a lot in this manual is the fact that when you're getting out there in the dating world it's really nothing more than sales. Instead of selling a product like a widget or a bag of chips or something like that, you're selling yourself. You're selling others on the concept of being with you in a romantic relationship. How you do this is the same way as if you were to sell any other product or service. The more attractive you make the product or service to the customer the more likely they are to buy it. The more attractive you make yourself to other people the more likely they are to want to date you. This concept is true for almost anything and everything in this world and it is the same for yourself. You need to be the best possible version of yourself such that people will be more likely to be interested in you.

This guide will help you:

> Learn how to "take action" and produce results

>> Get more results in a month than you have seen in the last five years using our proven methods.

> Learn how to improve yourself - create market value.

>> One of the main reasons you are not dating the types of people that you want is because you do not appeal to them. Learn how to make yourself more marketable and thus more desirable. 

> Learn how to speak effectively

>> Say the right things at the right time. Stop chasing people away by coming across the wrong way.

> Learn how to read people

>> Understanding what people are thinking by body language and subtle cues is key to making true dating progress.

> Create an aura of attractiveness 

>> People are attracted to positive traits and positive people. Be the type of person that makes people want to approach you!

> Understand the simple steps and dynamics of relationships

>> Dating is more than just getting someone to go out with you. You have to know how to function at every step of the process. We will show you how.

> Learn the best steps for "Long-Term" Success

>> What good is it if we teach you to get the date but not what to do once you get that person to go out with you? Our guide focuses on all parts of the process and every step of the way.



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